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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sarah Palin Reacts to McCain Aides 'Sexist' Unnamed "Jerks !" Exclusive Video

Sarah Palin lashes out against the leaks by McCain aides that she is 'profoundly ignorant' on basic issues and geography.

McCain aides anonymously told the press that Palin did not know that Africa is a continent or what countries are included in NAFTA.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin called former aides of Sen. John McCain "jerks" for circulating unflattering stories about her since the Republican ticket lost its bid for the White House Tuesday. Palin says comments about Africa, NAFTA taken out out of context.

"Those were taken out of context and that's cruel," Palin said. "It's mean-spirited. It's immature. It's unprofessional and those guys are jerks if they came away with it, taking things out of context, and then tried to spread something on national news." What Jerks! To think someone would spread a lie about someone on national news. Who would do something like that???

Sarah Palin has been under fire by unnamed John McCain aides since the Republicans lost the presidential election Tuesday.

Sources within the McCain camp have told the media that the vice presidential nominee didn't know Africa was a continent, and that she and her family were "Wasilla hillbillies" - spending much more than the originally reported $150,000 on clothes from upscale department stores.

Now Palin - who apologized earlier for causing McCain to lose even one vote - is fighting back.

In an interview with CNN Friday, the angry governor of Alaska calls the unnamed tipsters "cowardly" and "jerks."

"I consider [anonymous sources] cowardly," she says.

Palin tells CNN "it's not true" that she didn't know the countries in the North American Free Trade Agreement - Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.

"I remember having a conversation with a couple debate preppers, so if it came from one of those debate preppers, that’s curious," she says in a tense voice. Watch the video above.

"But [it was] a discussion about NAFTA, not 'Oh my goodness, I don't know who's a part of NAFTA,'" she says. "So now, if there are allegations are based on the questions or comments I made in debate prep about NAFTA, or about the continent vs. the country when we talk about Africa there, then those were taken out of context there."

She continues: "And that's cruel, it's unfair, it's mean-spirited, it's unprofessional, and those guys are jerks if they came away with it, taking it out of context, and tried to spread something on national news. That's not fair and not right."

But Palin says most of the media coverage of her has been accurate.

"For the most part, absolutely, media persons, reporters have been absolutely right on," she says. "And there has been that fairness and objectivity.

"There have been some stinkers, though, that made the whole basket full a’ apples, there, once in a while, smell kinda' bad," she adds.

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